Achieve Decades of Progress in 7 Days. 


 One-on-One 7-Day Quantum Retreat 


Entering Through The Image  

With Geneviève Lucette    

If you are thirsty for higher knowledge, creativity and innovation. 
If you are a SoulPreneur, Visionary or Conscious Thought Leader.
This retreat is for You! 

With ease and enjoyment, you will achieve decades of progress in 7 Days: 

  • Higher spiritual consciousness and evolution. 
  • Growth in your business with new insights and great visions, leading to breakthroughs. 
  • Increase impact and income.

In doing so, you will become one of the pioneers who help build the Golden Age of the new era, with the inspiration and guidance of the Master Souls and Angels. 

I am dedicated to helping make this happen.

Hi! I'm Geneviève Lucette. I am a Mystic and Author. Youthful inspiration led me to a fascination about the Mysteries of Life and my own Mystery. Unexpectedly the opportunity to study Western Wisdom Traditions presented itself. 

My work is the result of these studies, and experiential knowledge that I acquired through a long series of Quantum Retreats.  

My experiential knowledge is based on Quantum Mysticism, which reveals the Order and Harmony of the Universe. The unfolding order consists of a realm of frequencies and potentialities, underlying the illusion of concreteness. 

By creating the right conditions, you will effortlessly pass through the image and gateway into the experience of whatever mystery lies beyond.  

The word "mystery" refers to a play in which profound truths about yourself and the Universe can be discovered. "All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players."  Shakespeare. 

That's what this retreat is all about. 

Today, I am so excited to finally be able to offer this unique, exclusive and experiential Quantum Retreat to those who are ready to do quantum leaps in consciousness, and help build the Golden Age of this new era. 

2024 will be Revolutionary! 

Actually, we are in a process of transmutation as a human race.

The new era marks the beginning of a spiritual, cosmological and evolutionary great event.  

This great event is a huge opportunity and blessing, and moment in our lives. 

It is an extraordinary moment in time that has to be grasped. 

   "Truth did not come into the world naked but it came in types and images. 

One will not receive truth in any other way.

One must enter through the image into the truth." 
~ Gospel of Philip 


As you enter through the image and unlock its power, you'll discover a novel fact – that the power of the image can provide insight and great vision, leading to breakthroughs.

Your participation into the Universal Life and Play will become your experiential knowledge, and your own Truth.

I am dedicated to helping make this happen.

An Exclusive Retreat Awaits You! 
A Retreat Unlike Any You've Experienced. 

What People Are Saying About Genevieve's work. 

"Genevieve, what I have learnt through your "The Wheel of Time & Space" program is like a GATEWAY TO THE POSSIBLE! I’ve progressed hugely! The BIG thing that you have given me is a link to spirituality. Being able to link into ancient archetypes gives me a feeling of wholeness in my endeavours. The program helps me feel connected to how I want to be in the world, giving me support when I have doubts and confirmation when I am confused. It is helping me greatly in my own transformation and success in my work."

Joanne Frame, Kingston upon Hull , UK

"Modern science is just beginning to look into body-mind-spirit connection for healing, but Genevieve did her own research years ago finding the answers needed in Ancient Wisdom. "

Carolyn Clifford, ABC News - Healthy Living

"Genevieve, I am SOOO BLOWN AWAY. I have already started seeing huge results from your "Attracting Prosperity" program. I have researched as much as I could on the Law of Attraction. I've searched You Tube videos, listened to HIGH PAID PRO explain how to make the LOA work for you. Nothing I've come across has come close to as true and as as complete as your course. They touch on a part here and a part there but you would have to read and listen to 20 different people and still not hit home like you did. You are truer than true and I can't thank you enough for that. Thank you! Love you! "

Stacy Gary, Spring Field, IL.

"Genevieve the Universe gave it to me!!!! Thank you so much .... it was given 2 hours after I did your exercise "4 Steps To Quantum Leap Your Success." I did not expect it. This is very powerful, thank you again for the exercise. "

Rhea Saycon, VA Lab

" I really enjoy "The Wheel of Time & Time" program and I am so grateful for it. Very insightful for what would/could happen in each period. You certainly gave me HEADS UP on what to expect and how to deal with it. I have found everything to be very inspirational and helpful on my path forward. You are indeed a light shining on us. "

Carol Neal, USA

"As I started to read "The Wheel of Time & Space" program, it was uncanny how accurately it described what was happening in my life. It has been a great help to me in understanding how to go with the creative flow of Life, if I pay attention. I eagerly look forward to the next Solar Power Point teachings and guidance. Genevieve conveys insights on multiple levels, which have helped me find my At-One-ment with my Soul and the Universe. With her knowledge, personal experience, and huge heart you are certain to find spiritual treasures. "

Barbara Benson, Myrtle Beach, SC

50% Complete

Two Step

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